Know your police ? Know your police :
Everyone thinks that he knows about police but does he actually know ? Still there is a huge gap between the police and the public. Public is not interested in whether the crime rate is going up or down. Public only wants , when going to sleep , they should not be disturbed and when they go out for a walk or for some other work , they should return back home safely whereas police is interested the number of traffic challans/arrests made.
One of the major reasons for this gap is the ignorance of law. Human being is a social animal and governed by rules and regulations. Law enforcement agencies are meant for implementation of rules and regulations/laws.
Whether we are at home or outside , we are bound by laws of the state. Everyone is supposed to obey these laws. It is necessary for every law abiding citizen to know what is legal or illegal. The act which we are performing , is an offence or not ? One can not say that he was not aware of the law and do not know that the act conducted by him is an offence.So he should be let free.
The role of law enforcing agencies is very important to prevent the crime and after the crime is committed. These agencies work under set procedures which are well defined in law books and everyone must be aware of the following points :
1) The act performed is an offence or not ?
2) The law enforcing agencies performing their duty are following
the laws or not ?
This blog is an effort to clear the concept of laws and its implementation.
Your valuable suggestions/experiences , if any , are always welcomed.